Keto Vegetable Soup

Dairy free, egg free, gluten free, grain free, lactose free, nut free, peanut free, soy free, keto, low carb, paleo, vegan, vegetarian.

Prep time: 30 min
Cook time: 1 h
Total time: 1 h 30 min
Servings: 15 (about 2 cups each)

If you follow a diet with a very low net carbs allowance, you have to be a bit selective with your vegetables. Here is a veggie soup that keeps me and my family (including my teenage step son!) warm during the long Chicago winters. Santa brought me a chest freezer for Christmas right before the Covid lockdown started (sadly it was a very well-timed present), so when I prepare this soup I make plenty and freeze it. I then defrost it in a sauce pan or in the microwave. 

In the ingredients list I give you the amounts for 15 servings, which I normally store in 1 pint (about 1 serving) or 1 quart (about 2 servings) containers. Feel free to cut the amount in half, depending on how much room you have in your freezer. 

The broth in the ingredients list is allergen friendly, but if your diet allows it feel free to use your favorite vegetables or bone broth. Below I use fresh vegetables, but frozen vegetables work as well. If you like smooth soups, you can blend it at the end with an immersion blender. 


  • Olive oil, 50 g (4 tbsp)

  • Leeks, 3  (500 g, or about 1.1 lb)

  • Peppers, 3 medium size (420 g, or about 0.9 lb). I buy them red and yellow to add some color 

  • Zucchini, 4 (800 g, or about 1.8 lb)

  • Eggplants, 2 (800 g, or about 1.8 lb)

  • Beefsteak tomato, 2 (500 g, or about 1.1 lb)

  • Broccoli florets, 360 g (or about 0.8 lb)

  • Kale, 1 bunch (220 g, or about 0.5 lb)

  • Cabbage, 1/2 of one head (400 g, or about 0.9 lb)

  • Vegetable broth, 1 gallon (about 4 liters or 17 cups) or enough to fill the pot

  • Tools you might be missing:


If you’re working with the full amount and two pots, you’ll be splitting the ingredients in between the two pots.

1. Wash all the vegetables.

2. Heat the oil in the pot over very low heat. 

3. Slice the leeks (only the white part) and add them to the pot.


4. Clean the peppers (remove stem and seeds). Chop them and add them to the pot. Mix.


5. Cut the two ends off the zucchini, slice them (or chop them) and add them to the pot. Mix.


6. Cut the two ends off the eggplants, chop them and add them to the pot. Mix.


7. Clean the tomatoes (remove stem and seeds). Chop them and add them to the pot. Mix.


8. Chop the kale and add it to the pot. Mix.

9.  Add the broccoli florets to the pot. Mix.


10. Chop the cabbage and add it to the pot. Mix.


11. Add the broth until the vegetables are almost covered. 


12. Increase the heat and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the vegetables are soft (about 1 hour). Mix every 10-15 minutes.


13. Add salt to taste.

14. If you like silky soups, you can use an immersion blender to blend to your preferred consistency.

15. Serve or put in airtight containers and freeze for months.




Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy, using the ingredient in the list and the USDA Food Database via myFitnessPal. This information is meant as a guideline only and should not be construed as a guarantee.

Serving size: about 2 cups | Calories: 132 | Total fat: 5.1 g | Total carbohydrates: 19.5 g | Total fiber: 6.3 g | Total sugars:  9 g | Protein: 3.7 g  | Net Carbohydrates: 13.2 g

Storing and Reheating

You can store the soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days and reheat it in a sauce pan on the stove or in the microwave. Alternatively, you can freeze it for months and defrost it either in a sauce pan on the stove or in the microwave.


The broth in the ingredients list is allergen friendly, but if your diet allows it feel free to use your favorite vegetable or bone broth.

You can use fresh or frozen vegetables.

If you like smooth soups, you can blend the soup as desired with an immersion blender

Dalla Fra, con amore


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